Use A Closet As Your Gaming Room – Gaming Room Setup Ideas

gaming-room-closet (1)

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When the space for your gaming room is limited, or just not available, you have to get creative.

And setting up a gaming room in a closet is fantastic way to create an amazing space while thinking out side the box at the same time!

A small gaming room setup can fit in your closet, but the key is to maximize the space. You have to think strategically about the essentials you need and use vertical space as much as possible. But as long as you have room for a desk, monitor, your gaming rig, game consoles, a gaming chair, gaming accessories, and nail the aesthetics, you can create an amazing small gaming room in your closet. 

This article will include all the basics of setting up a small gaming room in a small room like a closet and recommend ideas from other users.

By the way – before we get too far along here, if you want to connect with other homeowners, DIYers, and builders and get more great ideas for your home to make your space the best join my free private Facebook group, Remodel Reality here.

Gaming Room Setup In a Closet Ideas

An effective gaming room setup should have all the essentials, but that doesn’t mean it has to take up a significant amount of space.

If you are thinking about setting up a small gaming room in your closet or a small room, you came to the right place.

Most gaming setups can be tailored to individuals’ specific needs, and having a small gaming setup that will fit your needs can boost your performance and competitiveness– without spending too much on constructing a gaming room.

You can use a small part of your room or your walk-in closet and create a safe space where you can game in peace– even without a spare bedroom.

What Do I Need to Make a Gaming Room in My Closet?

At this point you should already have the essentials to play your favorite games:

  • your gaming rig
  • gaming consoles
  • controllers
  • monitors & peripherals
  • speakers accessories & hardware
  • etc.

But your space is limited so you’re looking at your closet as a creative alternative.

So the next thing you want to do is figure out what you need to create a gaming room space to play video games in your closet and you need to know what materials, tools, and furniture you are going to need.

The first thing you will need to do before building your ultimate gaming station is to empty your closet so you can maximize your space for better game experiences.

While we’re at it, we collected several small gaming room ideas that we’ll share with you as you scroll through the article so you can be inspired on what you can accomplish with your gaming space.

After reading this you will have everything you need to create the best gaming entertainment center with a ton of great ideas and inspiration to fill your head with the best gaming room ideas even if you have limited space and no extra bedroom.

Gaming Desk

Not all video games or gamers require a desk, especially if you are into playing console games and retro games. However, if you are very much into PC games, a desk is essential.

When choosing the right desk for your gaming station, you will need to measure your closet and select or have a custom-made desk that will fit right through.

When selecting a desk, you also want to make sure all your gear, including your keyboard, monitor, mouse, and other gaming gears fit perfectly without taking up too much space.

Here is an example of a perfectly fitting desk for a small closet space:

Gaming Chair

The next thing you want to add is a comfy chair. But just like the desk, you want to buy the appropriate size so you can sit comfortably without feeling too cramped in the limited space in your closet.

That means that, in some instances, a full-size, full-featured gaming chair might not fit in your space.

But there are still great solutions.

This game room setup in the closet is equipped with a comfortable chair that does not take a lot of space.

This game room design is another genius idea. Because console games do not need a large desk or a gaming chair, it maximizes the space, enabling you to play your favorite video games with your friends. you can even add more retro game consoles for the nostalgia of it all.

But instead of a small chair, you can also add bean bag chairs or comfy sofas for better seating options.

Ambient Lighting

Another cool element you can add to your closet game room setup is ambient lighting or mood lighting. Colorful lighting using soft colors is an excellent way to create a gamer/streamer vibe.

Most closets do not have natural light, and you can fill the dark space with ambient lights to fill that void and create an awesome atmosphere.

This gaming room setup uses colored lighting to create a cool vibe with the use of LED strips and modular square tiles for mood lighting.


Some speakers can take up a lot of desk space, and that’s a problem when you don’t have much space to begin with.

One fantastic way you can overcome using desk space to place your speakers is you can try mounting them on walls or use speaker stands to maximize your closet space if you don’t have a spare bedroom for your gaming setup.


There are so many monitor choices to choose from these days, and it can be overwhelming.

You can select a widescreen monitor, curved monitor, or even have a dual monitor setup. However, it is best to choose an option that fits well in the space provided.

If you have limited space in your closet for two adjacent monitors, you can try having two monitors on top of each other, with the one on your desk and the other one mounted on the wall– kind of like this gaming setup right here. The ambient background lighting adds more flare to the game room design.

Portable Air Conditioner or Fan

Gaming rooms in a closet might look cool, but it can get really hot.

Processors put off a lot of heat, and even if you have a great fan, or even a liquid cooling system, the heat from your PC, from your monitors, and just being in the room yourself can get really warm and make your space uncomfortable.

Having a portable AC or fan is essential to keep the air moving. I’ve got a small fan that I use all day long in my home office that circulates the air and keeps the temperature down.

Shelving & Storage

Since your space is limited you have to get crafty about how you arrange things.

So when you’re setting up a gaming room in a closet your best bet for organization is going “up” and maximizing the wall space.

This means adding additional shelves to your closet where you can store and display all the things you want to display, like your action figures & memorabilia.

Gaming Room Decor

Aside from ambient background light, another excellent game room decor idea is adding a gaming poster, retro games, and other gaming-related decorations. However, you might want to cut down if the decorations are getting in the way of creating an efficient gaming room design. Here are a couple of ideas for decorations that do not take up much of the gaming space:

Cable Management Accessories

Lastly, you want to take care of your cables and manage them nicely for a more efficient gaming room design. All your gaming gears have tons of wires that need to be managed, but luckily, there are creative ways to manage them. See these examples here:

How Do You Make a Gaming Room in Your Closet?

Without an extra bedroom or having limited space for your gaming setup in your small bedroom,   the next best thing is to transform your closet into a gaming room. All you need to do is empty your closet, measure the space and go ham with the design ideas we showed you.

How Do You Make A Gaming Room in a Small Bedroom?

A small bedroom gaming room is also an excellent idea if you don’t have enough room in your closet. See these excellent gaming setups to get more ideas:

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Rob Orr

Me and my family have lived through a nightmare of a remodeling project gone wrong, making countless mistakes including placing trust in the wrong hands. Despite these setbacks, we took matters into our own hands for many aspects of the remodel, ensuring quality workmanship guided by expert advice. Through my personal experiences, I've created My mission is not only to share the pitfalls we encountered but also the successes we achieved by combining our efforts with trusted professionals. By sharing both the highs and lows of our journey, I aim to help others navigate their own remodeling projects with greater confidence, ensuring they benefit from our lessons learned.

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