Rob Orr

Me and my family have lived through a nightmare of a remodeling project gone wrong, making countless mistakes including placing trust in the wrong hands. Despite these setbacks, we took matters into our own hands for many aspects of the remodel, ensuring quality workmanship guided by expert advice. Through my personal experiences, I've created My mission is not only to share the pitfalls we encountered but also the successes we achieved by combining our efforts with trusted professionals. By sharing both the highs and lows of our journey, I aim to help others navigate their own remodeling projects with greater confidence, ensuring they benefit from our lessons learned.

Here’s Why 2 Inch Galvanized Nails Are The Answer: What Size Nails for Tongue and Groove Ceiling (The Complete Guide)

Ever wondered why getting the nail size right for tongue and groove ceilings is such a big deal? It’s a question that’s plagued many DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. And the answer is more than just a number; it’s a …

Here’s Why 2 Inch Galvanized Nails Are The Answer: What Size Nails for Tongue and Groove Ceiling (The Complete Guide) Read More »